Monday, October 12, 2009

Learning how..

to take a great photo. Its easy to take a photo these days. Just point and shoot. Well I am now trying to learn about great photos. The first thing I am learning about is aperture and depth of field. I won't explain them here, but I will show you the photos I took and liked. As time goes on I will hopefully have more and more to share.
I love my new camera and taking photos. I really like the photo of the coffee mug. Not only do I love coffee, but I love the colors and lighting in that photo. I can't wait to learn more.


  1. Nice photos! Missed your kiddos today in the nursery. I hope everyones feeling ok :o)

  2. I love it! Photography is something that I've always wanted to get more into. Where are you learning it from? I am excited to see your photos and I love the coffee cup one, too :)

  3. They look great!! I took a photography class in college and loved it, but the CAMERA is so important. Someday when I have an extra 600-800, I'll have to invest. Seriously well spent. It is moving up my priority list!!
